Once, long ago, in the Summer of 2006, a certain man, let us call him 'Finix,' was doing what he did at some point every day- venturing to the Internet Movie Database for some light hearted fun at finding out studio briefs, reading articles, commenting on message boards, etc. There was a quote that instantly caught his eye, this one here:
"The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn."
Needless to say, Finix desperately needed to see this film, regardless of quality. He quickly found out what the movie was title, Léon, and eagerly began looking for it. And yet, no matter where poor Finix would go, the film eluded him. Could this really be so obscure that not a single Blockbuster, or Family Video, or even the lovable nut who owns every movie ever made and lives above his store, had it? It couldn't be! Natalie Portman! Gary -Fucking- Oldman! Jean Reno! These are not obscure names, their movies should be readily available to all.
Sadly, Finix was ready to give up after about 6 months. There was no hope, it would never be found. Then, just as the darkness was about to close in, someone lit a match! His roommate, CC, and he were talking one day about what movies they would like to see that summer. and he mention how Léon had been on his list for almost a year, and she had never heard of it. No one had. But then Finix began to describe it, and she said 'Oh! That's The Professional. Léon is the European title. ' Well, the search was back on. The first store he looked, they had it, but only on that obsolete beast, the VHS. The search continued, without success, until a couple of days ago, when he was searching through the 'Favorites' section of Family Video, and saw it. Just sitting there, waiting for him. JACKPOT!
Having watched the movie, the expected happened. It was not nearly as good as all the buildup had deserved. However, it was not a letdown either. And, most importantly, like any epic, this one has an uncertain future. Léon: The Professional has a longer version available. I do not know where to find it, but my story continues, and the quest will never die.